Programs & Workshops

Team Synergy is the unseen Fourth Dimension. Although intangible, it is a powerful force that plays a major part in determining the success of an Organization, and also its future position in the market in comparison with its competitors.

Consultancy Assignments are designed and carried out with the objective of Enhancing Operations through Investment in People Development. People Development is not limited to Work related Skill Development alone. There is need to invest in their ability to work smoothly with other people – Team Members, Peers, Superiors, Clients.

Basically, after discussing with the Company, and understanding their requirement, I design a program, and run it – in most cases as an Organizational Development initiative. Help People and Organizations to understand the root-cause of their Behavior and Attitude. This is logically followed by guidance to decide the direction in which they wish to bring about change, so as to achieve Operational Excellence.

To present a flavour of what I have designed as per requirement, and covered in the last few months, I list a few below :

Full day Workshop on Leadership, Motivation, and Delegation Skills

In the course of my discussions with CEOs and members of the Leadership Teams of Organizations, I have noticed one common issue for which most of them are looking for a Solution The Issue is that their Managers, although very good in their current job, do not appear to be good enough for the next level. Their below-optimum people management skills, and their discomfort with delegation of work stand in the way of their moving up the ladder. When promoted, many of them end up carrying out work one level below their new elevated role.

This Workshop focuses on addressing this issue. It dwells on understanding the mental-block of the Managers, and then gently working on each one of them to develop their Leadership, Motivation, and Delegation Skills. The objective is to prepare them for the next level. This Workshop has been found to be well-acknowledged and accepted by Organizations.

Workshop on Importance of Enhancing Professionalism in a Competitive Environment

Everyone has an idea of what “Professionalism” is, but yet, each one has a different view and perspective on what it actually represents.

The key focus of this Workshop is to identify the individual qualities which contribute to true Professionalism. This is carried out as a joint exercise with the participants. Once clarity is achieved on the individual qualities, which cumulatively make up Professionalism, each participant identifies those areas where he / she needs to work on, to develop themselves as an ideal Professional. The Workshop has yielded exceptional results for the individuals, and for their Organizations.

Organizational Climate Study

Every Organization has a work-related “Climate” of its own. This is more felt than seen.

This Study enables understanding of this “feel”, to the extent of zooming into the specific tangible factors which have been sub-consciously contributing to this “feel”. Once these factors are identified, it becomes easy for the Organization to make positive changes in its “Climate”, by making modifications wherever required. Improvement in “Climate” resulting from this exercise, has yielded very high Employee Satisfaction Scores, and as an inevitable corollary, Productivity Improvement.

Workshop on “Understanding Self and Others through Transactional Analysis”

The higher one grows in the Organization, one uses less and less of one’s technical skills, but more and more of one’s people-management skills. This is required in large measure for dealing with team-members, peers, superiors, vendors, and clients. The basic building block of enhancing relationships is the understanding of Oneself, and of Others.

This Workshop facilitates this understanding using the time-tested and well-proven medium of Transactional Analysis. This Workshop produces awe-inspiring results.

Workshop on re-drawing Vision, Mission, Goals, and Department-wise Action Plans

These days, almost all organizations already have Vision Mission statements. These would have been coined at some point in the past, and could well have become obsolete. In the current dynamic business environment, it is essential to take a re-look at the Vision Mission statements, and recalibrate them to meet current requirements of the market, and priorities of the organization.

This Workshop focuses on re-drawing the Vision Mission statements, by building them up as a joint effort by the major stakeholders in the Organization, in a facilitated environment. Once this exercise is completed, the Organization Goals are scripted, followed by Action Plans for individual departments. Each of these invariably flow upward into the Vision Statement. The last Company for whom this exercise was carried out, loaded the new Vision Mission Statements within 48 hours of the completion of the Workshop.

“Star to Superstar” – Workshop for Department Heads for equipping Self to be a bigger Star as the Organization grows

All Companies have “Star Performers”. Once acknowledged and recognized as a Star, the person tends to rest on his / her oars, and expects career growth to take its course automatically. As the organization grows, and market conditions change, these “Stars” need to re-equip themselves, if they wish to grow into “Superstars” in the large organization of the future.

This Workshop enables them to realize this need, and acquire knowledge, skills, attitude, and behavior which would facilitate their growth. Several “Stars” have turned into “Superstars” as a result of these workshops.

Workshop on “Sharpening Inter-personal Relationship Skills”

One of the irritants that normally disturbs a CEO, or a member of the Leadership Team, is the observation that departments under them are working in silos, and not in co-ordination with each other, as they should be. They long for “Harmony” to be brought into the Organization. The corner-stone for this much desired “Harmony” is “Inter Personal Relationship”.

This Workshop uses the vehicle of a highly efficient Psychometric tool to help each participant identify and acknowledge areas which he/she needs to work on, to enrich their own Inter Personal Skills. They then use this skill not just at the workplace, but even beyond. It has been a pleasure for me to see the success of this workshop contributing to the desired “Harmony” which triggers Organizational Effectiveness.

Talk on the topic titled “Big Picture – Small Picture”

In an Organization, without exception of levels (Ground level employees to Managers and beyond), employees get so obsessed with their day-to-day routine, that they seldom have the opportunity or the inclination to lift their head, look up, and see where their work is leading the organization to. To use an analogy from Stephen Covey, their focus is almost always on the “Clock”, and hardly ever on the “Compass”. This results in their attention being focused on the “Small Picture”, at the cost of the “Big Picture”. There is no doubt that the “Small Picture” is important – after all the “Small Picture” is the basic building block for the “Big Picture”.

The talk focuses on drawing the attention of the audience to the importance of the “Big Picture” without, of course, ignoring the “Small Picture”. At the end of the talk, the audience understands and appreciates the importance of keeping an eye on the “Big Picture”, while at work on the day-to-day “Small Picture”. Their “field of vision” widens, and they see their direct contribution to the Organization, Industry, Nation, the World, and eventually, Humanity.

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